by Anthony Lynch
ISBN 978-0-9757457-8-6
RRP: $45.00 AUD
This book covers the following topics :
1. Greece and Persia at War
- The Ionian Revolt and the Persian reaction
- Darius's invasions of Greece
- The role of Athens, the Battles of Marathon and Salamis, the defeat of Darius
- The role of Miltiades
- Xerxes' invasion of Greece
- The role of Sparta and the formation of the Greek League
- Themistocles and Athens' development as a sea power
- Military campaigns 480-478 BC : Thermopylae , Artemisium, Salamis, Plataea and Mycale
2. Sparta, Athens and the creation of the Delian League
- Sparta's actions and attitudes in the final campaigns against Persia
- The activities of Pausanias
- reasons for decline of Sparta's influence - Thucydides views
- Athens' role in leading the Greeks
- The formation of the Confederacy of Delos or Delian League
- The structure and constitution of the League
- The purpose and the aim of the League
- The unique role and position of Athens
- Role of Aristides
3. From Delian League to Athenian Empire
- The actions of the Delian League - Thucydides' account (Book 1.98-101)
- The transformation from league to empire
- The campaigns of the League - Eion, Scyros, Carystus, Naxos, Eurymedon, Thasos and Samos
- The reasons for Athens' domination
- Transfer of the League treasury in 454 BC and the emergence of classes of membership
4. Cimon : an Athenian imperialist
- Cimon's military successes
- His domination of Athenian politics and his foreign and domestic policies
- Cimon's relationship with Sparta - the helot revolt
- Opposition to Cimon - his ostracism
5. Ephialtes and Pericles
- The actions and reforms of Ephialtes - reform of the Areopagus and attack against the oligarchs
- The actions and reforms of Pericles - citizenship law, payment for office, extending the system of lot
- The issue of democracy versus oilgarchy - Pericles' role
6. The Athenian Imperial System and expansion of the Empire 456- 446 BC
- Athenian interference in the independence of its allies - military, political, financial and legal interference
- Athens' relations with Sparta and its interence in the Peloponnese
- Athens' disasterous campaign in Egypt
- The Thirty Year Peace with Sparta
7. Pericles' Political Position after 450 BC
- Pericles' position and power
- The building of the Parthenon and the use of League funds
- Opposition to Pericles and the activities of Thucydides, son of Melesias
- Pericles' foreign policy and Athenian military activity in north Aegean, the Black Sea region and against Samos
8. Causes of the Peloponnesian War
- The Archidamian War : Policy and Strategy
- The Archidamian War
- The Peace of Nicias
- The Sicilian Expedition
- The Ionian War and the defeat of Athens